Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 201

Lots of logis­tics this week and new projects get­ting start­ed. I was due to be back in the Nether­lands for some meet­ings so I start­ed Mon­day in Utrecht at Hub­bub HQ while Kars went to to work on ASARI1. We’re real­ly hap­py to be work­ing togeth­er with our old friends over in Ams­ter­dam and we think we have found a way that suits both of our skills very well.

Joined in the studio by @alper today.

I was fin­ish­ing prepa­ra­tion for SAME for which I flew out to Munich at the end of the after­noon. Which meant I missed This Hap­pened Utrecht #16 and din­ner with that set. Kars says that the sto­ry behind the Philips Hue lamps skunk works was the best one.

We worked on the new ver­sion of Beesten­bende through­out this week, com­ing up with a detailed redesign and going through that with the Uni­ver­siteitsmu­se­um. Kars talked a bit with our friends over at the GEE­lab in Karl­sruhe while I spent the day in Munich facil­i­tat­ing a work­shop togeth­er with Sebas­t­ian.

I flew back that same night and spent Wednes­day and Thurs­day at Hub­bub going over our plans for the next year with Kars using the OKR frame­work by Google which is prov­ing to be just mea­sur­able enough for our taste. We input all of that in our Asana and we’re good to go for the rest of 2013.

Drinking Perceptor's Meesterplan IPA after reviewing our 2013 master plan.

Dirk Vis post­ed the last sum­ma­ry of Vic­to­ry Boo­gie Woo­gie which has turned out into a mis­sive from a dis­tant future and we still have a spot open in our Utrecht stu­dio for an enter­pris­ing cre­ative type.

Kars end­ed the week with impromp­tu drinks with Sander and bits of Vlam­beer and Monoban­da while I spent Fri­day mak­ing the rounds of Ams­ter­dam and vis­it­ing our friends over at Bruns&Niks and Hack­ers and Founders:

Drinks al fresco with Dutch Game Garden friends, last Friday #latergram

Let’s call it an appe­tiz­er for this Fri­day’s FATSEVEN.

  1. Which hap­pens to be writ­ten like this: アサリ. I’m learn­ing Japan­ese and hav­ing a lot of fun with the var­i­ous ways to write our code­names. []
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