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Week 314

This week’s big project was fin­ish­ing a sec­ond ver­sion of the KOKORO prototype.

Alper and I spent a cou­ple of days writ­ing javascript, html and sass, as well as good old copy. By Fri­day we had man­aged to com­plete most of the items in our back­log, and were quite sat­is­fied with the result. Next up is demo­ing the results to the client.

Ear­li­er in the week the Free Birds team con­vened for a sprint ret­ro­spec­tive, and to plan the next sprint. It was the first time we did a prop­er ret­ro­spec­tive and I was pleased with the amount of valu­able process improve­ments it yield­ed. The results of the plan­ning ses­sion were approved by the client soon after, so we’re all set for anoth­er sprint this week and the next.

On the Bycatch front, Alper emp­tied his stock by ful­fill­ing the last of the bump in sales we got after the XOXO announce­ments. And I did some work on our web­site and shop­ping cart so that it would also accept PayPal.

Final­ly, for TEDASUKE, we processed some final bits of feed­back on the mock­ups we’d deliv­ered the week before, and we made a plan for how to go about the final deliv­er­able, a spec and a budget.

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