Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Join us in Utrecht for FRIDAYS AT 7

So it’s time for a new thing, some­thing that will pos­si­bly turn into a irreg­u­lar­ly recur­ring get-togeth­er for friends of the stu­dio. We’ve bor­rowed the name—FRIDAYS AT 7—from the drinks Urban­scale orga­nizes in NYC. With per­mis­sion, of course, as can be told from this exchange on Twitter:

So, the low­down: this Fri­day, Jan­u­ary 25, we’ll be at De Bas­taard from 7pm onwards. Join us for a few drinks, some shop-talk or just to shoot the breeze. There’s a Face­book event too, if you’re into that kind of thing.

I should men­tion we’re well aware of the Glob­al Game Jam hap­pen­ing the same week­end. Last year we were hap­pi­ly jam­ming along with Dutch friends in Berlin, this year var­i­ous oblig­a­tions pre­vent us from doing so again. All the more rea­son for a few beers, right?

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  1. Posted January 22, 2013 at 19:41 | Permalink

    Thanks, I’m delight­ed that you’re doing this. There’s a lot of jug­gling that goes into keep­ing it fresh and invig­o­rat­ing — I do a lot to main­tain a good gen­der bal­ance, ensure that it’s queer-friend­ly, and so on. We get archi­tects and design­ers, artists and tech­nol­o­gists, activists and pol­i­cy peo­ple, and go to some effort to make sure that no one fla­vor of style or inter­est over­whelms the pro­ceed­ings. But the most impor­tant thing is that we keep it a douche-free zone. Peo­ple who try to hand out busi­ness cards or oth­er­wise “net­work” are shown the door. FRIDAYS AT 7 is a plat­form for bright, inter­est­ing, inven­tive peo­ple to get drunk, talk shit and have fun. Good luck!

  2. Joost
    Posted January 23, 2013 at 09:16 | Permalink

    Sounds fun

  3. Kars
    Posted January 28, 2013 at 09:31 | Permalink

    Adam, how did I miss your com­ment the first time around? Thanks for drop­ping by and your sug­ges­tions on how to best approach things. I feel last Fri­day was large­ly douche-free—thank the lord—and we cer­tain­ly had an inter­est­ing mix of peo­ple show up. So far its close friends of the stu­dio, but I’m sure next time we throw one things will grow organically.