Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 283

The biggest event this week was that we ful­filled the pre­orders for Bycatch and sent every­body a newslet­ter with updates. That took up a lot of our time and atten­tion as well as fix­ing some last minute hic­cups and mak­ing sure every­thing was right. At the time I’m writ­ing this I’m see­ing the first games arrive at peo­ple’s homes on Twit­ter which is a pret­ty amaz­ing feel­ing. We’re now mov­ing towards our offi­cial launch.

We played Bycatch in the stu­dio with Eel­co for the first time with the actu­al cards and even for us play­ing the game is still fun.

A play session with the actual cards of Bycatch. It turns out this is a really fun game!

What also got released is The Game­ful World book over at the MIT Press. It’s been a long time in the mak­ing but now the defin­i­tive book on gam­i­fi­ca­tion is out.

We’re work­ing on a con­sult­ing engage­ment for Beren­schot. Our work for KLM is pro­ceed­ing with the con­tent ham­mered out and Tim Hengeveld start­ing on the art.

I pub­lished our 2014 recap as a by prod­uct of our OKR sys­tem with a sol­id overview of the many things we did that year. Michelle Thorne pub­lished this amaz­ing treat­ment of the work­shop Ianus and I held at Thingscon Ams­ter­dam last year.

I made a big round of Ams­ter­dam vis­it­ing old friends and busi­ness prospects before I made my way back to Berlin on Thurs­day to attend the new year’s par­ty (at the KING offices).

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