Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 289

Cam­parc Mk II is in its final stages of devel­op­ment with some touch ups on the soft­ware and con­struc­tion still to be done. There was also a break­through with the stream­ing of video over a 4G con­nec­tion work­ing for the first time. This is great since it will mean the balls can be deployed anywhere.

Received a bunch of Kontakt beacons for the current project

SHACHI saw a bunch of devel­op­ment where we are near­ly at a fea­ture com­plete alpha ver­sion which we will be pol­ish­ing a bit this week in prepa­ra­tion of a playtest. We also received the bea­cons from which we will use for playtesting.

For BANKEN Kars par­tic­i­pat­ed in a sketch­ing ses­sion to cre­ate on overview of the prod­uct and plan out the course of the project.

For SHIJIMI I did research and sketched out what we think the con­cept should be. I then briefed our artist Mar­ius Mörders to illus­trate the con­cept mod­el for a pre­sen­ta­tion next week.

We put on a blurb by Hans de Zwart on the Bycatch web­site. More blurbs and release updates are forthcoming.

Unity Berlin Meetup

I closed off the week attend­ing the reboot of the Berlin Uni­ty meet­up. I was pleas­ant­ly sur­prised by the turnout and the insight about game design you get by talk­ing to peo­ple actu­al­ly cre­at­ing games.

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