Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 222

Last week con­clud­ed our vis­it to New York. We’re very hap­py that we man­aged to squeeze in meet­ing lots of friends in those cou­ple of days. We also attend­ed Sleep No More, an immer­sive the­ater project by Punch­drunk which is tout­ed as the best in this field. The expe­ri­ence and set dec­o­ra­tion were impec­ca­ble but the show felt like an uncom­fort­able inter­me­di­ate between the­ater and instal­la­tion with more of a muse­um feel­ing than any­thing else.

Today's office

All the while we were in the cof­fee shops of New York con­tin­u­ing work, plan­ning and e‑mails. We also shot some footage for AJI in the finan­cial dis­trict to see whether we can show bet­ter what it is we are planning.


Tues­day evening both of us flew back to our respec­tive home cities and spent the rest of the week get­ting back into the swing of things hob­bled by a mod­icum of jet lag. Our work on Beesten­bende was received pos­i­tive­ly and we are mov­ing that project for­ward to a quick con­clu­sion. I spent time on con­tracts and future engagements.

Morning sky

What could have turned into a slow week was fin­ished in Utrecht with a major get togeth­er of game design­ers for Pro­to­type Fri­days (pho­tos). Pro­to­types of three board games and two videogames were played and cri­tiqued after which every­body retired to De Zaak for a FRIDAYS AT 7 to close off the week with a nice crowd of people.

Testing Joris' boardgame about oil at Prototype Fridays #2

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