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Come play Camparc

You’re invit­ed to come play our lat­est game Cam­parc at the Strijp‑S open day on Sep­tem­ber 14 in Eind­hoven, the Nether­lands. Cam­parc is a panoram­ic cam­era ball play­ground. It is com­mis­sioned by art and tech­nol­o­gy fes­ti­val STRP.

At the event you’ll be able to play with sev­er­al man-size panoram­ic cam­era balls in the Strijp‑S area and see a live panoram­ic cam­era feed of each one on a big screen. We’ll also pro­vide you with a cou­ple of things to do with the balls which make use of their intrigu­ing per­spec­tive on the world around us.

So: head over to Strijp‑S on Sep­tem­ber 14 and come play Camparc.

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