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Week 264

The delayed arrival of these notes should tell you some­thing about what kind of week last week was: busy.

For me, it was all about deliv­er­ing and run­ning Cam­parc. We’ll write more about it soon and are also sift­ing through our copi­ous pho­tos and videos. For now, suf­fice to say we had a more or less smooth build-up to the event, except for a few small chal­lenges which were swift­ly dealt with. On Fri­day, I real­ly enjoyed doing a small talk about our approach to play­ful design and the mak­ing of Cam­parc, fol­lowed by a demo of one of the balls. On Sun­day we ran the game for a full after­noon. Thanks to a sol­id crew of Hub­bub agents, great weath­er, a nice crowd and only a few small tech­ni­cal hic­cups we had a great run. The indis­putable high­light for me was play­ing a pass­ing game in the spir­it of new games, which was a joy­ful expe­ri­ence of col­ib­er­a­tion.


Besides Cam­parc, I squeezed in a bit of prep work on our upcom­ing series of work­shops about game-based learn­ing with KLM. I also fin­ished and pub­lished the port­fo­lio write-up of the Cup­pings guide app.

Mean­while in Berlin, Alper was keep­ing an eye on our sales pipeline, plan­ning and hav­ing meet­ings left and right. He also rewrote the rules for KEGANI in prepa­ra­tion for the lim­it­ed release we’re plan­ning to do of the game at Play­ful. And he did work on the next release of Stand­ing, which is almost done and will sport a love­ly new look cour­tesy of Simon. Over the week­end, he played around with live stream­ing and cast­ing local mul­ti­play­er games togeth­er with Loren­zo.

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