Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 225

Last week was filled with high inten­si­ty ideation for which Kars was present at our Berlin out­post at KANT. We filled the week with hard work and refu­eled on the great food avail­able near our stu­dio on Oranienstraße.

Kars at Work

I vis­it­ed the Berlin IoT meet­up on Mon­day before pick­ing up Kars from the air­port. We spent Mon­day going over the details for both KAZUNOKO and CHUTORO and prepar­ing the braistorming.

For the rest of the week we did our flow of ideation, con­cept devel­op­ment and sketch­ing in turns for CHUTORO and KAZUNOKO. We have client meet­ings this week for both of them in Ger­many and the Nether­lands. For the sketch­ing we use the meth­ods in Bux­ton’s bril­liant Sketch­ing User Expe­ri­ences. Source mate­r­i­al was act­ed out on the streets of Kreuzberg, pho­tographed and sub­se­quent­ly drawn on top of.

In between things we also pushed out a final update for the iPad ver­sion of Beesten­bende and launched the Cup­pings cof­fee tast­ing game that we had been work­ing on for a while. You can read the write-up here and print out the cards to play it your­self. We’re pleased with the inter­est it got and we would love to hear what you think of it.

Playing the Cuppings coffee tasting game at The Village

In the evenings we dropped by a sauer­kraut flash­mob, drinks with a bunch of friend­ly iOS pro­gram­mers and a Wei­h­nachts­feier as is cus­tom­ary in Berlin this season.


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