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Week 184

Alper was asked to con­tribute some words on ‘gam­i­fi­ca­tion’ to TNW Mag­a­zine, which appeared the begin­ning of this week. With some amuse­ment we took note of the oth­er con­trib­u­tors to this piece. Let’s just say a diverse range of per­spec­tives is covered.

On Mon­day Alper and I worked on adapt­ing Code 4 for play with­in an orga­ni­za­tion oth­er than the tax admin­is­tra­tion. We’d start­ed work on that the week before and shipped it by the end of the day.

The next day Simon, Alper and I spent one more full day of work on the SAKE release candidate.

On Wednes­day we signed the con­tract for KAIGARA’s sec­ond phase. An occa­sion to cel­e­brate, which we will do soon—see below. We also con­tin­ued work on SAKE.

I dis­cussed progress on FURAPPA with Alper on Thurs­day. I pro­vid­ed feed­back on the slide deck he’d draft­ed con­tain­ing over ten ideas rang­ing from the prag­mat­ic to the slight­ly insane. Next, I’ll sit down to sketch some quick sce­nar­ios to fur­ther illus­trate the ideas.

That same day, we shipped the SAKE release can­di­date. A pre-launch page went up, offi­cial­ly unveil­ing the project as Vic­to­ry Boo­gie Woo­gie—a col­lab­o­ra­tive writ­ing game which will run for 10 week start­ing April 8th. If you enjoy open-end­ed cre­ative play, like read­ing and writ­ing, and under­stand Dutch (sor­ry) you should join us.

And final­ly, on Fri­day, Alper had break­fast with the Silikot­ti crew, post­ed his Recess! post—for which we also received a nice shout-out from our friends at Mud­lark—and fin­ished The Quan­tum Thief which he rather enjoyed. Mean­while, I announced the sec­ond install­ment of our FRIDAYS AT 7 which if you’re read­ing this you should feel free to join.

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