Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 197

A brief week for us this past one, I trav­elled to Utrecht to do some work at head­quar­ters, give a talk and most impor­tant­ly for Kars’s mar­riage. Kars’s week was a bit short­er than usu­al for the same rea­sons and while I am writ­ing this he should be on a trop­i­cal island.

The stu­dio will be hum­ming along but with pro­duc­tion on some projects hav­ing con­clud­ed and oth­ers just now in the post-sign­ing phase, there is a small lull. The per­fect time to get around to the oth­er stuff that had been neglected.

Last week the notes from the meet­ing on social design at What Design Can Do were pub­lished in which Kars had par­tic­i­pat­ed (look for the notes start­ing with KA). I think that has become a nice overview of design­ing for a cause.

Last Fri­day there was a par­ty for the writ­ers and play­ers of (your dai­ly) Vic­to­ry Boo­gie Woo­gie in the Melk­weg in Ams­ter­dam. This is week nine, so just two more weeks to get your pieces in.

Kars got mar­ried that same Fri­day and he took with him on his hon­ey­moon an old con­cept as a pro­to­type, ‘strict­ly to unwind with at the beach’ he assured me.


And in the same vein I played a bit of TAC:


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