Hubbub has gone into hibernation.

Week 155

We’re get­ting into the rhythm of things with Buta. Last week we had our first prop­er standup meet­ing. Although it’s hard to tell if there was any actu­al stand­ing up. The team’s dis­trib­uted, so we chat­ted over Skype. Any­way, these should now hap­pen each week on Mon­day and will help us get to a playable pro­to­type ASAP.

I wrote up the specs for Sake. The paper pro­to­type ses­sion I had with Dirk Jr. the week before was very help­ful in crys­tal­iz­ing the basic stuff we’ll need. Next, we’ll sketch out some inter­faces and should be ready to start on a soft­ware pro­to­type soon after.

On Wednes­day I was joined by Iskan­der in the stu­dio, who worked on his own stuff away from the bus­tle of the offices. But we made sure to catch up over cof­fee and lunch breaks. If you’re curi­ous, read about what Iskan­der is up to in his wee­knotes.

On the same day, I talked with Stef about the short video we’ll be pro­duc­ing to explain and pro­mote Beesten­bende. We walked through the game and dis­cussed what we would like the video to con­vey. Film­ing peo­ple play­ing phys­i­cal games is hard, as we learned when we made the Code 4 video. This time, in stead of ask­ing play­ers to act out spe­cif­ic things, we’re going to try to shoot doc­u­men­tary style. This does require record­ing a lot of sur­plus mate­r­i­al so that we can select the best bits. But the result will hope­ful­ly be nice and natural.

And final­ly, quite some time was spent on prepar­ing for and deliv­er­ing an intro­duc­to­ry talk on per­va­sive games. This took place on Thurs­day at our home, the Dutch Game Gar­den as part of their annu­al Sum­mer Talks series. I tried to pro­vide a lit­tle bit of the­o­ret­i­cal ground­ing for the sub­ject and then dove into a lot of stuff we’ve learned over the years from doing these kinds of games at Hub­bub. A report includ­ing slides should appear on the — recent­ly redesigned — DGG web­site soon.

On deck for this week: some work with Tim on Cer­e­mo­ny of Sur­prise for a soon to be announced fes­ti­val where we will run the game, and a trip to Berlin to play and talk at Play­pub­lik.

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