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Week 163

It’s already Wednes­day so let me quick­ly share with you some of the things that hap­pened last week.

On Tues­day I jumped in a Green­wheels and did a lit­tle tour of the Nether­lands. First stop was Apel­doorn for a talk about how we made Code 4. This was part of the annu­al Week of Inspi­ra­tion, orga­nized by the Dutch Tax Admin­is­tra­tion for its employees.

After which I drove down to Tilburg for a reprise of the talk I did on Kop­pelkiek at Social Cities of Tomor­row, on invi­ta­tion of CAST. This event was called City, Play & Dig­i­tal Media. The audi­ence was most­ly archi­tects, urban plan­ners and pol­i­cy makers.

And then I head­ed back home, with around 270 kilo­me­ters behind me.

On Wednes­day I spent some time with Simon to dis­cuss the first few screens of Vic­to­ry Boo­gie Woo­gie he’ll be sketch­ing out for a sneak pre­view at the Gid­s’s 175th anniver­sary event, lat­er this month.

And on Thurs­day, we met a major mile­stone for Pig Chase, with the instal­la­tion of a playable pro­to­type at a farm. Final­ly being able to remote­ly play around with pigs was quite the thrill.


On Fri­day I sketched out an idea for a pre­sen­ta­tion at TFI’s event on Games & Her­itage, which would take place the fol­low­ing week. I start­ed from a hypo­thet­i­cal car muse­um and worked out a sce­nario about remix­ing cars and get­ting a 3D-print­ed result as a souvenir.

I end­ed the week with anoth­er talk, a repeat of my Per­va­sive Games 101 talk (but this time in Eng­lish) at /dev/haag. On my way back home, I dropped by the open­ing of Indi­go, where I got to play some fun and inter­est­ing new Dutch games.

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